Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Ulu

The Ulu
(Translated from Chronicles of Lyrehc)
"Carving another beginning
Cutting free the Redundant
Clean incisions for far seeing
No more obscurity
Just veiled clarity
As all clarity is.
Active third eye
Calling three Weeps Which hover 
In restless sleep


Friday, 25 April 2014

Time Keeper

Time Keeper
(Condensed version and without textual verification)

No (?) heroine this
Cinderella’s Antithesis.
Time Keeper of the ages

Writer of Everlasting pages

Thursday, 24 April 2014


There has been no exact English word to decipher the meaning of this unknown Bhubezi Woman’s name.  She is mentioned three times in the Chronicles of Lyrehc and generally in the context of war.   She is thought to be of Russian origin as similar representations are found in Russian   iconographic wood paintings.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Queen Lyrehc

Queen Lyrehc
She lost her eye in The Battle
She would never want it back.
She wears it like a Scar
Like a Black Pebble
Shining under her skin.
Its for remembering
Things forgotten but yet to come

Wisdom in all her stitching.

Monday, 21 April 2014

The Beginnings - as told by The Scribe.

The Bhubezi Mythology begins with the unraveling of a unique book  titled  The Chronicles of Lyrhc, found quite by accident in 2008 by a researcher in an unused library repository at The Durban City Hall.  What follows is the story as best deciphered by the researcher who wishes to remain anonymous.

(Approximate translation): 
"The Bhubezi Tribe, a race of warrior women  has been here far longer than we, living among us when need be, but generally inhabiting another 'olam'".

They had migrated from the centre of the earth to Durban (Nabrud) where, in the area of the  Durban City Hall they constructed a transport machine with which they could do intergalactic travel.  Colonial architects designed and built the Durban City Hall, a classic neo-baroque structure  right on that spot in the early 1900’s.  Once the solid, physical structure of the City Hall was in place, the transport machine because increasingly difficult to use.  This was due in part, to the extensive subatomic deconstruction of body molecules needed to bypass the monolithic edifice.  Eventually, only one woman could do this - The Transporter.   

It appears as though the result of several attempts to use the machine in order to repair the Pillars of the World has resulted in Magenta and Sienna being lost Between, as they attempt to fix The Bridge at the divide.