Tuesday 15 July 2014

съдина (Vessels in Dispute)


(Vessels in Dispute)

(Authentic Massacre of the Innocent Image Painting # 72)

In December 1949, three brothers were digging for clay outside the town of Panagyurishte, located 90 km east of Sofia.  For those of you who are unaware of these treasures, the Panagyurishte find consists of nine solid gold (6.1kg) vessels of sophisticated craftsmanship, decorated with different zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figures. 
That is all well and good - you can find out about these trifles on the internet.  What is NEVER spoken about is the 10th vessel, totally unique in appearance as it does not allude in form at all to the blending of blending Eastern forms with imagery of Greek origin.  1                    
From the civilization of  Ancient Thrace, (researchers are in dispute, but I know) the treasure was  hid in a crisis during the reign of Cotys II (300BC - 280BC).  
When the Gauls sacked Seuthopolis in 281 BC, and Cotys and company were taken as slaves, Coyts, knowing his wife to be a Bhubezi Woman, hid her, the Panagyurishte treasure and the съдина, promising he would come back.  Pallene knew he would not, but was grateful to the gentle man with hands the size of mountains who was her sworn guardian.  2
And what of the съдина     you make ask?                 

This vessel is actually a map to Between.  The one who can unlock the reading mechanism is The Traveller.  She does not know this as she crosses the world in search of The Keys with The Red Giraffe.  Neither does he - in fact, no-one does except you and I.  3
Historian Z.H. Archibald writes:            

The Odrysians created the first state entity which superseded the tribal system in the east Balkan peninsula. Their kings were usually known to the outside world as kings of Thrace, although their power did not extend by any means to all Thracian tribes. Even within the confines of their kingdom the nature of royal power remained fluid, its definition subject to the dictates of geography, social relationships, and circumstance - it was no autocratic rule, and  that was no accident - that was the work of Pallene.  4

Sunday 6 July 2014

Vessels in Dispute - The Hidden Pâte-sur-pâte

The tale of Vessels in Dispute can only be described, at best as convoluted.  This particular sample is no different.  The Women Who Hold Up the world are aware of its location at Osborne House in East Cowes, Isle of Wight, UK.  The house was built between 1845 and 1851 for Queen Victoria and Prince Albert as a rural/summer retreat. It was too, a safe house for hunted members of the Bhubezi Tribe.  This residence is home to the  largest pâte-sur-pâte vessel made by Marc-Louis Solon. 

Consider the following:
:    The pâte-sur-pâte experiment was no accident.
:    The Chinese Vase was a ploy to sort the wheat from the chaff.
:    Sienna WAS the artistic director (undocumented due to her disguise as Jean-Claude Chambellan ‘secretary’)  at manufacture  nationale de Sèvres during the time of Solon’s apprenticeship.
:   She saw his potential and told him the secrets of her origins.
:   He became an underground Bhubezi sympathizer.
:   With the help of the Tribe, Solon moved to England in 1870 at the time of the Franco-Prussian War where he found employment at Mintons Ltd.
:  He was left to work on his own where he was able to experiment. 
:  The purpose lay not actually in the vessels themselves but in the process of creating  stable acid gold.
:  Sufficient pure, soft acid gold lies within this vessel to plate the ends of the central inner cable for the Bridge from Between.
:   It is the last hidden acid gold repository, lying within the belly of the pâte-sur-pâte vessel made by Marc-Louis Solon, in full public display at Osborne House.
:  The others lie in the hands of the Moorish Darwin.
:    Threads of Between keep him from the house.

Thursday 3 July 2014

The Traveller

Authentic Massacre of the Innocent Image Painting # 66.

The Traveller was growing increasingly uncomfortable in her disguise.   The bazaar through which she pushed to get back to the Uncertain Brown Portal had become progressively crowded the closer she got.  She knew Giraffe would NOT leave the vestibule until she had arrived, BUT her delay could result in him assuming his normal shape.  This would be a BIG problem..  The key she held burned the palm of her hand - it was ready to be used.  BUT HOW???