Saturday, 10 August 2019

The Appearance of the Vetruvian Man -The Authentic Massacre of the Innocent Image # 116 -

It was becoming increasingly obvious to Leonardo that Vitruvius was trying to give him another key to between. The superimposition of the figure kept bluring, and he always saw it on a vessel he did not recognize. (Time would later reveal that the vessel in question was actually
Zhangsun’s Funery Urn (See Cut-Up Painting # 83)
The artist who would later - much later - receive this information would have to interpret it as best she knew how.  Leonardo had the feeling  her attempts would be clumsy and he was relieved he would not be around to witness her cut-up painting, as the information appeared clutsy to him too. But in any event, he sat down on the 5thAugust 1490, by the light of a flickering candle and started his version of the Vetruvian Man.  To his great surprise, he learned that 8 heads make up the ideal human body. This was quite astounding to him as there were very few such specimens currently walking the streets of Florence.   In mirror script (done so for fear of discovery by the Moorish Darwish, he hid the following clue:

Similarly, in the members of a temple there ought to be the greatest harmony in the symmetrical relations of the different parts to the general magnitude of the whole.

The Traveller was astounded - THAT was the clue to the unstable supported bridge beams - the proportions were incorrect! She pulled the Red Giraffe away from his pink gin cocktail and said  “WE NEED TO GO”! 

Saturday, 25 May 2019

O My HAT!!!

Now THIS was going to cause a problem, but everyone had decided and Lyrech felt that after The Choice there was no need to keep the clue. Better it be blown though the world - perhaps more pressing questions would be answered this way.  The pieces were to be secreted away to The Red Fox, and sent to very specific people who perhaps would know what to do with the pieces on receipt.

Friday, 3 May 2019

MORE keys!

Its been a REALLY long time since anyone has heard anything from the Bhubezi Women. So long in fact, do you even remember they exist?  Quite a lot happened after the Traveller, the Red Giraffe and Lammassu entered the Lion Gate - the main entrance of the Bronze Age Citadel of Mycenaean. There had been just a slight fhhoop sound and suddenly they were confronted with a row of French ultramarine/Prussian blue glass vases. A weird voice said “Choose only one and choose wisely”.  Cross pollination was already happening at the Borders of Between and SO MUCH TIME HAD ELAPSED! Plus, no one had noticed that a Scorplio had travelled with them, but he seemed quite calm and more curious than anything. 
The Authentic Massacre of the Innocent Image
Cut-Up Painting # 111.
2m X .60cm