Friday, 27 February 2015

Early Beginnings.

The Early Beginnings
(Bhubezi Women) (Which are lost along with The Book of Lyehc)

This book deals with the first 8 documented members of the Bhubezi Tribe.  It has been suggested that the designations by which they have been identified are titles rather than personal names.  This book deals with Queen Lyrehc, The Pilot,  The Distant Drummer, The Ulu, The Galactic Flaneur, The Singer to sleep and The Tokoloshi and The Time Keeper of Ages.  There is also a lesser figure known as Complexity whose relationship to these eight is uncertain.  What has been written of her is:
Untamed, Tame.
Cultural Feral.
Unhampered Cycles and multitudinous overwrites - veiled.
Mapped. Remapped,
made underground - Topside.
Overgrown structures of the psyche. Done again”

As one can see - Complex! In the secret Sof Omar caves, an intriguing stele was found with the following inscription:

The Ones That Protect From:  The Conscious Life, External words, Pure Pain, False Dreams, Ones to travel to the deepest reaches of the psyche, A barrier on their behalf to the outside world, A Thousand Deaths, An Unfulfilled Life, Enantiodromia,  The Incorporeal Body, The destructive animus, Lost Instinct. Those ‘allowed’ are still attempting to unravel these phrases.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Hatshepsut's Needle

Published Facts:
The obelisk erected by Queen Hatshepsut is  97 feet tall and weighs approximately 320  tons (some sources say 700 tons). An inscription at its base indicates that the work  of cutting the monolith out of the quarry required seven months of labor.   Hatshepsut raised four obelisks at Karnak, only one of which still stands. The Egyptian obelisks were always carved from single pieces of stone, usually pink granite from the distant quarries at Aswan, but exactly how they were transported hundreds of miles and then erected without block and tackle remains a mystery. Of the hundreds of obelisks that  once stood in Egypt, only nine now stand; ten more lay broken, victims of conquerors, or of the religious fanaticism of competing cults. The rest are buried or have been carried away to foreign lands where they stand in the central parks and museum concourses of New York, Paris, Rome, Istanbul and other cities.   The use of the obelisks is even more of a mystery than their carving and means of erection. 

While the obelisks are usually covered with inscriptions, these offer no clue to their function, but are instead commemorative notations indicating when and by whom the obelisk was carved. It has been suggested that the erection of the obelisk was a gesture symbolizing the 'djed' pillar, the Osirian symbol standing for the backbone of the physical world (and the Bridges through which the rent In time must be spanned). John Anthony West notes that the obelisks were usually erected in pairs, one obelisk being taller than the other, and that the dimensions of the obelisk and the precise angles of its shaft and pyramidion cap (originally plated in electrum, an alloy of silver and gold) were calculated according to geodetic data pertaining to the exact latitude and longitude where the obelisk was set. "The shadows cast by the pair of unequal obelisks would enable the astronomer/priests to obtain precise calendrical and astronomical data relevant to the given site and its relationship
to other key sites also furnished with obelisks."  See:          k_of_queen_hapshetsut_karnak.html

So, what is it really??

Ineni “”Superintendent of the Granaries, Superintendent of the Royal Buildings” (The First Guardian in a long line of architects which includes Sergio the Master Builder as uncovered by Erich Sundermann (Austria) was also the confidant of Hatshepsut the Bhubezi Woman.  She knew she could entrust the building of the Interplanetary Eye to him, and that his followers would guard it with their lives. 
If they didn’t, there would never be a way across the Divide of Between.  This Needle is Artifact  # 3 of eight KEYS which must be acquired by The Red Giraffe and The Traveller.  They are in possession of this knowledge.  At the moment, while it lies unheeded at the quarry, its magnitude is in no danger of being discovered.

There was a bit of confusion when Robert Bauval put forward Orion Correlation theory - better known as the Giza-Orion correlation hypothesis (pyramidology)  but of course, those three stars have to do with the needle, not the Giza pyramid complex - hence the quizzical smile of Leo the Sphinx.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

The Last Revealed Three (The Bhubezi Mythology - The Women Who Hold Up the World)

Its really quite difficult to tell how/when/why the Revealing of the Bhubezi Women came about.  It is equally difficult to tell how many there are, or their particular function in Holding up the World.  There are a few pivotal pegs in their story though:
1)           They are all REAL historical figures.
2)           At the beginning of their history they migrated from the center of the earth (Nede) due to an unknown dispute.
3)           Not much is known about the first 8 women, as there has only ever been found one reference to each.  These 8 are;  The Queen, The Pilot,  The Aeon, Lyrehc The Scribe, Tokoloshi, Singer to Sleep, Galactic Flaneur, Time Keeper and The Distant Drummer.
This has led those few concerned with these matters to the conclusion that these are TITLES rather than names and that the Women  identified to date may actually also bear one of these titles.
Bhubezi Women Identified thus far: Magenta, Sienna (better known as  Shahrazad), Mona Lisa, Hypatia, Hatshepsut, Empress  Zhangsun Pandora and Cynisca.    IE: 8 Women

For those of you who have been following the tracing of the myth so far,  we have also encountered  The Moorish Darwish (a documented character from the book 1001 Nights  in which Shahrazad became trapped)  The Traveller, The Red Giraffe and various receptacles which masquerade as Vessels In Dispute, as well as the Brown  
Portal.  There are men too who seem to be part of this mythology -

:  The Moorish Darwish
:  The Red Giraffe (shape shifter to all accounts)
: Leonardo da Vinci
:  Eudoxus of Cnidus
:  Pausanias
:  Sergius The Master Builder (a very recent addition, undocumented as yet, discovered by Erich Sundermann in Austria).  Will 8 be revealed?                                               
Vessels/Artifacts in dispute include:
:  съдина  
:  Janie’s Lamp - commonly known as Aladdin’s Lamp (Still not removed from Gerald’s guitar shop)
:  Pandora’s Box
:  Cuilan’s Vessel
:  Funerary urn of Empress Zhangsun
:  Phaistos Disk
:  Mildenhall treasure - Neptune’s dish
:  The Hidden Pâte-sur-pâte

IE; 8 Vessels
Weird or What?

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Sundermann, Erich (Austria) For Cheryl Penn Alias BHUBEZI Woman Alias Hatshepsut alias Lady Lioness South Africa

Erich and I have been corresponding for about 3 years, and just when I thought there was a down turn in the fortunes of the Bhubezi Women, along came this beautifully drawn visual narrative relating to the fortunes of Hatshepsut - the 15th character in the series of Women Who Hold Up the World.  “Years ago a big crocodile from the Nile came to eat up Hatshepsut, but hunted by her many slaves, and shot dead by the soldiers spears, it afterwards was made into a bag, to keep Hatshepsut’s lipstick ‘forever’.  It was found by James Henry Breasted in the sarcophagus of a pyramid, first shown to him (and later sold to him) by an Arabian guide (same is now on view in the historical museum of Berlin.  

It was demanded back by the National Museum of Cairo, but successfully defended as an object of study for German students, and also for the whole world because temperatures in Egypt are very hot”.
Erich has plans for archetypical buildings (safe houses if you will) situate in Between, Messenger Fish and plants from THEIR world.  Erich also introduces Sergius, the master Sculpturer and Builder who says “I am old, but to build makes me happy” - little does this octogenarian  know  how valuable he will ultimately be.  

There is of course the matter of the monument planned for the moon, a facsimile of which was used by Filippo Brunelleschi for the Duomo of Florence.   But more about that for another day - we have to deal with “One more Flower of my invention”.

Lets concentrate on the “lipstick” for a moment. It was not actually (although disguised as such) a lipstick per se, rather, it was a miniature of the Unfinished Obelisk (companion to Hatshepsut’s needle) - which are, I may add, universal clocks moderating Between. But, I’ve rambled on, and the Call is weeping through many universes - please excuse me for the time being.