Sunday 8 February 2015

The Last Revealed Three (The Bhubezi Mythology - The Women Who Hold Up the World)

Its really quite difficult to tell how/when/why the Revealing of the Bhubezi Women came about.  It is equally difficult to tell how many there are, or their particular function in Holding up the World.  There are a few pivotal pegs in their story though:
1)           They are all REAL historical figures.
2)           At the beginning of their history they migrated from the center of the earth (Nede) due to an unknown dispute.
3)           Not much is known about the first 8 women, as there has only ever been found one reference to each.  These 8 are;  The Queen, The Pilot,  The Aeon, Lyrehc The Scribe, Tokoloshi, Singer to Sleep, Galactic Flaneur, Time Keeper and The Distant Drummer.
This has led those few concerned with these matters to the conclusion that these are TITLES rather than names and that the Women  identified to date may actually also bear one of these titles.
Bhubezi Women Identified thus far: Magenta, Sienna (better known as  Shahrazad), Mona Lisa, Hypatia, Hatshepsut, Empress  Zhangsun Pandora and Cynisca.    IE: 8 Women

For those of you who have been following the tracing of the myth so far,  we have also encountered  The Moorish Darwish (a documented character from the book 1001 Nights  in which Shahrazad became trapped)  The Traveller, The Red Giraffe and various receptacles which masquerade as Vessels In Dispute, as well as the Brown  
Portal.  There are men too who seem to be part of this mythology -

:  The Moorish Darwish
:  The Red Giraffe (shape shifter to all accounts)
: Leonardo da Vinci
:  Eudoxus of Cnidus
:  Pausanias
:  Sergius The Master Builder (a very recent addition, undocumented as yet, discovered by Erich Sundermann in Austria).  Will 8 be revealed?                                               
Vessels/Artifacts in dispute include:
:  съдина  
:  Janie’s Lamp - commonly known as Aladdin’s Lamp (Still not removed from Gerald’s guitar shop)
:  Pandora’s Box
:  Cuilan’s Vessel
:  Funerary urn of Empress Zhangsun
:  Phaistos Disk
:  Mildenhall treasure - Neptune’s dish
:  The Hidden Pâte-sur-pâte

IE; 8 Vessels
Weird or What?

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